<aside> 👋🏼 Welcome to the Medmentor Application SuperPack!
This is your ultimate guide & diary for your application journey into Medicine. Our aim is to support you in your application for Medicine by helping you be organised, strategic and prepared at every step.
In each section we’ve included a short video to help you get started. We
Notion - Medicine Application SuperPack _ Medmentor - 3 October 2022.mp4
<aside> 💡 Year 12 is an important year and it is all about preparation! It’s the year you should do most of your work experience and volunteer to collect ‘evidence’ for your application in year 13. This will be particularly important for your Personal Statement & Interview.
Importantly, it’s also the year where your exam performance will dictate your predicted grades on your UCAS application. Therefore, it’s important to hit those minimum grades (often AAA).
<aside> 💡 You’ll spend the Summer preparing and completing the UCAT; start of the year Selecting Medical Schools, finalising your Personal Statement and applying on UCAS; and then doing the BMAT (optional). Hopefully, you’ll receive multiple offers for interviews. Once those are done you’ll need to turn your attention back to A-Levels and get those grades to secure your place at medical school!