<aside> 💡 Go through our step-by-step process to help you narrow down exactly which medical schools you should apply to using our formulaic process based on years of experience helping others choose their medical school.

In summary, your choice of medical schools should be based on two main factors: 1) your personal preference 2) strengths & weaknesses of your application.

You have four choices.

In general one option is aspirational, two options are medium, and one option is a ‘back-up’.

If you plant to do the BMAT we generally advise you don’t include more than 1 or 2 BMAT options in your applications (unless you’re doing the early sitting if it’s available).


Notion - Selecting Medical Schools - 3 October 2022.mp4

Here is a summary of how we’re going to select your four medical school options:

  1. The Long List (UCAT & A-levels) - filtering out any medical school you’re unlikely to get into based on your UCAT and predicted A-level grades
  2. The Short List (Personal Preference) - filtering out medical schools based on your preference of location, teaching style (e.g. traditional vs integrated), iBSc option & personal experience (e.g. from open days)!
  3. The Final Four - it’s time to make the final decision. Choose one aspirational, two ‘medium’, and one ‘insurance’ option.

Below we’ve listed a table with every medical school in the UK as per 2022. We’ve left you a comment section to add your thoughts (e.g. after open days).

Selecting Your Medical School Options

1. The Long List (UCAT & A-levels)

Medical Schools

2. The Short List (Personal Preferences)

3. The Final Four