<aside> 💡 Work experience in a medical or clinical setting is a vital piece of experience that can be difficult to obtain but often expected of applicants to ensure they’ve selected the right choice of career.

Useful work experience includes hospitals, GPs & care homes. If you’ve found it difficult to get clinical experience, non-clinical experience with patients (e.g. administrator at a GP) can often be quite useful too. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, a range of online ‘clinical’ work experience options have become available from highly reputable sources (including the Royal Colleges). If you’re struggling to get work experience we highly recommend you do one or two of these online courses. You can find out more about the types of work experience available on the Medmentor SuperHub.


Notion - Clinical Work Experience - 3 October 2022.mp4

Work Experience Checklist

<aside> 💡 There are 3 main types of clinical work experience that you should aim to obtain by the end of Year 12 summer. This includes hospital, GP and care home work experience.

The length of work experience is often less important. However, if possible we suggest around 1 week for hospital and GP work experiences. For care home, this often works out as a voluntary role where you go in once a week to help out for one or two hours over a period of time.


Tick them off once you’ve done them :)

Organising Work Experience

1. Initial Contact (Email & Log Potential Work Experience Opportunities)

Work Experience Log

2. The One-Week (Follow-Up) Email

3. The Two-Week (Final Call) Email