<aside> 💡 Medical schools want to see examples where you have demonstrated key skills that can be expected from both medical students and doctors. These examples can be found in a wide range of situations, not just in clinical settings (e.g. teamwork if you are part of a team … whether that is a football club or at work such as McDonalds). Whilst clinical work experience aims to help you see these skills in action it is important to draw parallels with your own life to show admission tutors that you are a suitable candidate!

The Medical School’s Council (MSC) have a list of skills they expect you to be able to demonstrate. Most of these skills will correlate closely to expectations by the General Medical Council (GMC) which is the governing body that regulates doctors. The aim is to think of an example for each skill so you can talk about it in your personal statement and at interview. It’s also an opportunity to engage in opportunities that help you acquire skills that you may not yet have too!


Notion - Non-Clinical Experience - 3 October 2022.mp4

<aside> 💡 Click each skill to add your experience. Keep notes of each experience on the right side of the table for a quick glance. Include any steps you need to take to acquire a skill if you are missing any.


Non-Clinical Experiences

<aside> 💡 Feel free to add multiple examples for each one if you have them!


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